What's happening at Vero Christian Church?
For updates on upcoming events, and to register for those events, check out our VCC Church Center app!
There are plenty of Serve Others opportunities coming your way with Trunk or Treat!
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM - Traditional Service
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Contemporary Service
10:40 AM - 11:05 AM - VCCKids Worship - this service connects the two hours of study and activities for VCCKids
11 AM - 12 PM Contemporary Service
*Nursery and graded VCC Kids groups in both contemporary services
6:00 PM - VCCStudents (for 6th through 12th grade students).
Ladies Bible Study in the trailer behind the church building, 2:00 PM
Various Life Groups meet in homes and at the church building at 6:30 PM or 7:00 PM
Narcotics Anonymous meets in the church trailer at 7:00 PM
Senior’s Bible Study at the church building at 1:00 PM
Various Life Groups meet in homes or in the church building at 3:00 PM, 6:00 PM, or 7:00 PM
Praise Team Rehearsal at 6:30 PM
Narcotics Anonymous meets in the church trailer at 6:30 PM
Game Nights - 2nd Friday at 6:30 PM in the Welcome Center.
Ladies' Healthy Line Dancing every Saturday at 9:30 AM in the "Deep End."
To find out more about our groups, visit: https://verochristian.com/groups
There's always something great happening at VCC for you and your family. Explore our calendar of upcoming services and events using our calendar below!