Sermon Discussion

Questions to dive deeper into the weekly sermons.

Forward With Conviction - April 28, 2024



Ice-breaker: Tell about the most unusual, exotic or disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten – and how it came about.


1) How does a “conviction” differ from a “belief?” 


2) Name one of your convictions and tell why you believe it so strongly.


3) Were any convictions handed down to you from your parents?  What was it and how was it communicated?


4) Steve talked about missionary John Paton’s willingness to face CANNIBALS for the gospel.

What are some of the convictions (strong beliefs) a person must have to do such a thing?  



5) Do you think it matters whether the historical elements of the Christian story are true?  Why or why not?  


6) Why do I, or anyone, need the twelve apostles?


7) In religious terms, what comes to your mind when you hear the phrase: “The last days”?  


8) Why do you think there is such an interest, especially among religious types, about “The last days”?


9) When are the Biblical “last days”?  Explain.


10) What is it that most convinces you that Jesus rose from the dead?  Why? 


11) How does that conviction about Jesus’ resurrection move you “forward”?

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